Well i guess i will drop you a line or so, to let you know i am still alive! I suppose by now you have heard from verne. i hope so as i got a letter from him saying that he wrote you for the first time in quite a while he is epecting to come home soon but i suppose he told you all that and more. Donna i am encling a small pair of wings as you are a little girl. ha ha. hope you like them. well you remmebr i told you i had three teeth filled, well had an absess also and when he filled them he disturbed it so i had to have pulled out. then it got infected so he had to opperate and cut away some bone so now i am in the hospital in bed and suppose i will be untill the end of thw eek. i hope had so much novecanne and penicillin thats to kill the pain. taht i am punch drunk and can hardly see. i hear your folks did not ahve any lights af=ter 6 PM there dor a while see you should not feel to bed as we don't have any agter 9PM haha. well i guess i had better close now and go to sleep as the pain is killing me. Write and let me know if you get the wings. OK
Love, Casey
He's still got a sense of humor even though he's at war. For example, "Well guess i will drop you a line or so, to let you know i am still alive!" The main reason he wrote this was to let his wife know how he was doing and what had recently happened. he sent her a gift and wanted to make sure she got it and that she'd write back once she did. The thing that's unualy about this letter is that it has many jokes and it's written in a comedic sense considering the circumstances he's in and the issues he's talking about. About how he had to have fillings and teeth pulled and that the medicine made him feel drunk. He laughs at himself through out the letter as well. He shows his love by letting her know he's ok. And no, i wasn't making a million type-o's. The letter was actually written with them in it because he was so hopped up on his drugs to kill the pain!!
Ending of Caucasia
16 years ago
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